
イラン革命防衛隊(IRGC=Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps)の精鋭部隊のソレイマニ司令官が、米国のドローン空爆で殺害されました。

Qassem Soleimani was killed in a Trump-ordered drone strike in the early hours of Jan. 3, 2019. Soleimani was the architect of Tehran’s verseas clandestine and military operations.



※司令官はcommanderや、Major General

asymmetrical warfare(非対称戦争)で長く苦しめられてきた米国。司令官は差し迫った脅威だったと言い、当然の報いであると暗殺を正当化しています。

U.S. officials have justified the assassination as retribution for the general's actions and as deterrence of future American deaths.



・The commander had been a thorn in US sides.

※a thorn in one's side=絶えず苦しめいら立たせるもの、悩みの種、目の上のこぶ 【直訳】横腹に刺さったトゲ

He posed an “imminent threat” to U.S. national security.


Soleimani was hailed as a hero in Iran -- brave, charismatic and beloved by the troops. Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, once called him a "living martyr of the revolution." (革命の生きる巡礼者)

At least 56 people were crushed to death when a stampede broke out at the funeral of the Iranian commander.


人々は、宿敵=arch-enemy米国に対して、'Down with the USA.'(米国を倒せ) 'Death to the USA. '(米国に死を)と叫びました。

その後イランは、報復=revenge/retaliation/reprisalとして、米施設にミサイルを発射し、米国側の死者数=death tollは80名と発表しました。

Iran launched more than a dozen missiles at Iraqi bases hosting US and coalition troops overnight, declaring the strikes to be retaliation for the killing of the senior Iranian general Qassem Suleimani.

アメリカ側は、死傷者は出ず、イランが戦闘態勢から手を引いたとし、全面戦争=all-out warを避けました。

In a White House address, President Donald Trump said: "No Americans were harmed in last night's attack by the Iranian regime. We suffered no casualties. Iran appears to be standing down."


※stand down=〔証人席から〕降りる、〈主に英〉辞任する、《軍事》解隊する、警備態勢を解く 。

しかし、この地対空ミサイルsurface-to-air missile(SAM)/ground-to-air missile(GAM)の誤射で、ウクライナの民間機が墜落され、乗員乗客176人全員が死亡しました。

Iran has admitted "unintentionally" shooting down a Ukrainian passenger jet, killing all 176 people on board. An investigation found that "missiles fired due to human error".

President Hassan Rouhani described the crash as an "unforgivable mistake".   

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