大阪市を廃止し、四つの特別区に再編する大阪都構想=Osaka Metropolis planの二度目の住民投票=referendum/plebisciteが告知されました。
A second referendum to decide whether voters in this western Japan city wish to dispense with its city status and instead be governed as four special wards under the "Osaka Metropolis Plan" was announced on Oct. 12, with an expected Nov. 1 date for ballots to open for about 2.24 million eligible voters in the area.
※dispense with=~なしで済ます、手放す 廃止するはabolishなども
The Osaka metropolis plan is a signature policy for Osaka Ishin no Kai.
※signature=名詞:署名 形容詞①〔衣類が〕デザイナーの名前入りの ②特徴的な⇔characteristic/iconic
The vote will serve as a judgment of the activities of the political party Osaka Ishin, which has made the metropolis plan its flagship policy and expanded its political strength.
※flagship=名詞:旗艦、〔商船の〕主要船、〔企業の〕主力商品 【形】最重要な、最も重要な、主要な、主力の、一番目の

当時の大阪市長、橋下徹氏の案: the brainchild of then mayor Toru Hashimotoは、2015年に僅差で否決されました。
The first referendum on the Osaka metropolis plan, held in 2015, was narrowly voted down.

賛成者は、大阪府と特別指令都市=an ordinance-designated cityである大阪市の二重行政を解消すると言います。
Proponents say such a measure will lead to cost-effective governance by eliminating duplication of work between the Osaka prefectural and city governments.
The plan is billed as a way to eliminate conflicting administration, where some functions overlap between the Osaka prefectural and municipal governments.
※be billed as=~であるといわれる、宣伝される
The proposal is designed to streamline overlapping bureaucracy between the governments of Osaka Prefecture and Osaka city, an ordinance-designated city.

Opponents, including the Liberal Democratic Party and the Japanese Communist Party, argue such a change will deliver a hit to the area's coffers (国庫、財源), will worsen services for residents and will be an impediment(障害) to disaster prevention efforts.
They also say the coronavirus crisis should be prioritized over the referendum.
Under the proposed plan, Osaka city's 24 wards would be reformed into four special wards--creating an administrative jurisdictional system basically equivalent to Tokyo’s 23 wards, which have administrative status similar to municipalities.
※equivalent to~=~に相当する、等しい
The proposal create a metropolis consisting of four special wards, resembling the 23 wards of Tokyo. Of the city's current responsibilities, the special wards would take on welfare and education tasks, while the Osaka Prefectural Government would handle city planning and infrastructure.
Campaigning began Monday for a Nov. 1 referendum on whether Osaka should become a metropolis akin to Tokyo in 2025.
※akin to=~と同種[類似]である
As per provision in the Public Offices Election Act, early voting and absentee ballots will start from Oct. 13.
※as per=~により
※early voting=期日前投票
※absentee ballot=不在者投票
A majority vote is required to approve the plan, regardless of turnout, and it will be legally binding.