

Prince Harry and Meghan drop royal bombshell announcement (見出し)

SNSより:"We intend to step back as 'senior' members of the Royal Family and work to become financially independent, while continuing to fully support Her Majesty The Queen."

※主要王族はsenior royalの他、working royalとかfull-time royalも  
※Megxit Causes global UproarとMeghanとexitをかけた語もありました。


There's a reason the British royal family is called "the firm" and that Queen Elizabeth II is often referred to as "the boss" behind palace walls: Everyone on the payroll works for her as head of state.

※on the payroll=給与支払い名簿に載って、雇われて

Harry and Meghan's decision has been on the cards for some time.

※be on the cards=ありそうな、起こり得る、起こりそうな 


Last October, Prince Harry and Meghan publicly revealed their struggles under the media spotlight. Harry and Meghan have grown increasingly uncomfortable with constant media scrutiny.


Harry has complained bitterly of racist undertones in some media coverage of his wife, who is biracial.


Prince Harry also released a statement, saying: "I lost my mother and now I watch my wife falling victim to the same powerful forces."

※fall victim to=〔不幸な出来事の〕犠牲になる、餌食になる


The couple blindsided the queen and the other Windsors when they said they wanted to lead a more independent life  - a move that had hurt and disappointed the family.

※blindside=無防備なところを襲う、不意打ちを食らわす。blind sideは、名詞で、死角、盲点、ラグビーでスクラムの位置からタッチラインまでの狭い方

英王室は緊急会合で徹底的に議論を行い=thrash outその結果、「殿下・妃殿下」を使わないこととなりました。

Harry and Meghan will no longer use 'His and Her Royal ighness,' Buckingham Palace says.

サセックス公爵・公爵夫人=The Duke and Duchess of Sussexという呼び方は継続されます。

※イギリス爵位:①公爵(Duke)デューク ②侯爵(Marquess)マークィス ③伯爵(Earl)アール ④子爵(Viscount)ヴィカウント  ⑤男爵(Baron)バロン ⑥准男爵(Baronet)バロネット ⑦ナイト爵(Knight)ナイト  


Harry is sixth in line to the throne - behind Prince Charles, Prince William and his three children.


“Rogue”, “petulant” and “having your cake and eating it” were among the more notable phrases in circulation.

※petulant= (ささいなことに子供っぽく)怒る、すねる、短気な、こらえ性のない、だだっこのような
※have one's cake and eat it too=矛盾する二つのことを両立させる⇒いいとこどりする。
You can't eat your cake and have it おいしいとこどりはできませんよ。というように使います。