The G7 was meeting face to face for the first time since 2019, at a beachside venue in Cornwall, southwest England, after the coronavirus led to the cancellation of last year's summit.
It will be the first in-person G7 summit in two years.
※対面会議 face-to-face meeting/in-person meeting
The G7 (Group of Seven) is an organization of the world's seven largest advanced economies. They are Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and the United States.
Since the first 1975 Summit, the G7 Presidency has been assumed by each of the member countries on a rotating basis. (議長国は持ち回り制)
Russia joined in 1998, creating the G8, but was excluded in 2014 for its takeover of Crimea.(G8の時も)

The COVID-19 pandemic has killed 2.4 million people, tipped the global economy into its worst peacetime slump since the Great Depression and upended normal life for billions.
※tip into~~に傾ける
※upend さかさまにする、ひっくり返す
G7 leaders committed to using all their resources to prevent a global pandemic from ever happening again.
They plan to donate a billion COVID-19 vaccine doses to low-and middle-income countries.
The G7 leaders took China to task over human rights in the heavily Muslim region of Xinjiang, called for Hong Kong to keep a high degree of autonomy, and underscored the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait — all highly sensitive issues for Beijing.
※take/call/bring a person to task ~のことで(人)の責任を問う、人をしかる、とがめる (for)
G7 chides China on rights, demands COVID origins investigation(見出し)
Biden says G7 leaders agreed to call out China over human rights abuses in Xinjiang and Hong Kong
※call out ①掛け声をかける②〔軍隊などを〕召集する③(人)に挑戦する、(人)を非難する

China blasted 'cliquey' G7 statement, saying US has ‘sinister intentions’.
China has denounced G7 leaders’ joint statement that scolded Beijing over a range of issues as gross interference in the country’s internal affairs and urged the grouping to stop slandering China.
※denounce 公然と非難する
※scold (主に子供などを)叱る、説教する
※slander 中傷する

その敏腕ぶりから、FLOTUS(first lady of the United Statesの略)とあだ名されるほどです。レンタルドレスを活用するセンスも人気です。
Newlyweds Carrie and Boris Johnson greeted world leaders on the beach of Carbis Bay, Cornwall.
※newlywed=新婚者 newlyweds=新婚夫婦
Carrie Johnson was widely applauded for her stylish and sustainable wardrobe choices, which included an array of outfits from designer rental platforms.
※applaud 称賛する
※sustainable 持続可能な
※an array of~ ずらりと並んだ~
Covid rate in Cornwall has risen above the England average for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic.