Virus casts shadow over once-in-a-lifetime coming-of-age ceremonies(見出し)
Local governments across Japan have been making shifts to cancel coming-of-age ceremonies or hold them online following the national government's announcement that it will consider declaring another state of emergency.
※cast shadow over~=~に影を投げかける
※coming-of-age day=成人の日 ※coming-of-age ceremony=成人式
The age of majority, when children legally join society as adults, is 20 in Japan.
Across the nation, 1.24 million young people celebrated becoming an adult Monday, Coming of Age Day, in an annual rite of passage for 20-year-olds that — were it not for the novel coronavirus pandemic — would have been celebrated in style with childhood reunions and all-night after-parties.
※rite of passage=通過儀礼、人生の節目となる行事
→crossing the threshold into adulthood.
※were it not for~=もし~がなかったならば →without~ If it were not forの倒置

The occasion, which is observed with a national holiday, represents one of the major child-rearing milestones for parents.
※child-rearing 子育て →child-raising, parenting

Newly minted seijin, or adults, attend events dressed in formal attire and take part in programs that commonly include speeches by local officials and well-known community figures, a reception, and the presentation of mementos commemorating the occasion.
The ceremonies are typically full of kimono-clad women and smartly-dressed men.
※newly minted~ ①〔硬貨が〕新しく鋳造された②〔言葉が〕新しく作られた③〔人が訓練を終えて〕なりたて、ほやほやの
※kimono-clad women=着物を着た女性達

Owing to restrictions on large events, the ceremony was held at two venues and divided into eight staggered ceremonies, four at each location.
※owing to~=~のために、~の理由で
Participants wore face masks, had their temperature checks and were asked just to listen to the national anthem, instead of singing it out loud.
Young women in colorful traditional costumes, masks and white stoles braved cold weather in lines and sat seats apart from one another to mark Japan's Coming of Age Day, even though under a state of emergency.