

Hana Kimura, a 22-year-old female professional wrestler who was among the cast of the most recent installment of the internationally popular Japanese reality show series "Terrace House," died after having been victimized by cyber-bullying. Hana Kimura became the target of relentless online bullying over an incident on a reality TV show.


人気の悪役プロレスラーa popular wrestler usually playing the role of a villainで、元気のいい番組の愛されキャラでした。日本ではheelという言い方もありまが、英語ではvillainが一般的です。

With her pink hair and bubbly personality, Hana was one of the most endearing personas of the show.


※endearing=人に好かれる、かわいらしい、かわいげのある、人を引き付ける endear=いとしく思わせる



Netflix describes the show thus: "Six strangers share a fabulous house in Tokyo, looking for love while living under the same roof. With no script, what happens next is all up to them."   



In Terrace House cast members are encouraged to go about their daily lives.

※go about=〔仕事や生活などを〕普通にこなす、いつものとおり行う 英国的表現

Reality shows follow cast members' unscripted interactions, revealing their emotions and personalities in the process.


Kimura had been the target of hateful messages on social media criticizing her remarks and behavior during the show, especially after an episode distributed in late March in which she lost her temper.(かっとなる)


The abuse that may accompany a star’s rise to prominence is often treated as par for the course.


※rise to prominence〔人が成功を収めるなどして〕有名になる、名を上げる、注目されるようになる

※par for the course=よくあること、当然のこと (ゴルフ)コースのパー


News of her death has sparked an outpouring of messages of condolence and a public outcry against cyberbullying , including a tweet by singer Kyary Pamyu Pamyu saying, “People say we should just ignore slanderous comments, but it’s difficult. An entertainer is also a human being. Please don’t forget this.”


Posters hiding behind the cloak of anonymity joined the attack against Kimura. A research group at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication is discussing ways to simplify procedures to identify individuals who make defamatory posts online.
