

Ken Shimura, a veteran slapstick comedian and onetime member of rock ’n’ roll band and comedy group The Drifters, a household name in Japan in the 1970s and 1980s, has died of pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus.


※household name=どこの家庭でも通じる名前、誰でもよく知っている名前、おなじみの名前、有名人


He tested positive for the virus, becoming the first Japanese entertainment figure to announce an infection. Upon being admitted to a Tokyo hospital after developing a fever and experiencing respiratory problems, Shimura was diagnosed with severe pneumonia; a day later, he was put on a ventilator(人口呼吸器→respiratorもOK)and never regained consciousness.


The versatile funnyman was beloved by generations of Japanese spanning five decades. A household name in his native Japan, Ken Shimura’s popularity bridged generations.

※versatile=①(人や才能が)何にでも向く、多才な、多芸な ②(モノの)用途の広い、多目的の

The comedian was a constant fixture on Japanese television for the better part of five decades, rarely straying from his crowd-pleasing brand of comedy skits.

※fixture=①〔家や部屋などの〕固定された物 ②〔同じ場所に〕居座る人、〔店などに定着した〕常連

※for the better part of ~ ~近く、ほとんど

※crowd-pleasing大衆を喜ばせる crowd-pleaser=大勢の人を楽しみませるもの

志村さん死去のニュースはcomedy legend dubbed ‘Japan’s Robin Williamsなど海外でも大きく報道されました:His death also made headlines outside of Japan.



Shimura rose to prominence after starring in the group’s prime-time TV slapstick show “Hachijidayo Zeninshugo!”

 (“It’s 8 o’clock, assemble everyone!”/ Everybody get together!) launched in 1969. 



解散=disband後も、自身の冠番組で「バカ殿様」(stupi lord)や「変なおじさん」(strange uncle)などの個性的なキャラクターを生み出し、亡くなる直前まで精力的に活動をされました。

Shimura remained active right up until his passing, starring in numerous TV programs.

※right up until~=~直前まで、ギリギリまで


A lifelong bachelor, Shimura is survived by two older brothers.


The instructions state that such bodies are to be placed in impermeable body bags, sealing them from exposure to the outside air, and cremation is to be carried out while taking into consideration the feelings of the family.

※impermeable=(水や空気を)(しみ)通さない、不浸透性の ⇔permeable=透過性の

※cremation=火葬、荼毘 動詞:cremate荼毘にふす 語源:ラテン語でto consume by fire


Despite the outlandish nature of his most famous characters, the rubber-faced funnyman was known to be shy and quiet when not performing.


