
10月1日から消費税が10%にUP。軽減税率=reduced tax rateで8%の商品もあり、対応レジ不足等、二段階の税率による混乱が心配されています。

Japan braces for tax hike chaos under two-tier system as register shortage looms(見出し)
As the hike in the consumption tax approaches, consumers and businesses are worried about the confusion that  might erupt from differing rates for similar goods. To make things worse, businesses may not have enough new cash registers that can handle the two-tiered transactions.

※brace for~=〔困難・不快なことに〕備える
※two-tier=二段階の、二重構造の  →二重のシステムdual systemという表現も

One example is posed by mirin, the sweet cooking wine that’s indispensable to Japanese cuisine. Mirin itself will be taxed at 10 percent because it is alcoholic, but mirin products sold as seasoning will be taxed at 8 percent due to their lower alcohol content.

※みりんは、seasoning sake/a sweet sake(used as seasoning)等も

For nonweekly newspapers, the print editions will be taxed at 8 percent for subscribers and 10 percent for those bought at convenience stores or read online.


If you consume a meal in a restaurant, you pay the full 10 percent, but if you take that food home it’s only 8 percent.Prices hinge on whether food is eaten on-site or taken out.

※hinge on~=~で決定する

Customers can enjoy their purchases in-store.(イートインコーナー)や、ケイタリング等、ややこしい=trickyケースも。国税庁がガイドラインを出していますが、実際はあいまいな部分もあります。
The National Tax Agency has guidelines on its website listing examples of what qualifies for the lower rate, but the reality is expected to be less than clear-cut.


When the consumption tax finally hits 10 percent next month, the government plans to seize the opportunity to dramatically accelerate Japan’s shift to cashless payments through a rebate program.


But with Japan’s roughly 20 percent rate for cashless payments lagging other countries, is it possible to persuade mom-and-pop shops, backstreet pubs and cozy, decades-old coffee shops to invest in the infrastructure and let processing fees erode their profits?

※mom-and-pop =(店など)家族だけで営業する、小さい自営業の

Some small business owners took a wait-and-see posture.

※wait and see 成り行き[結果]を見守る、形勢をうかがう、様子を見る、静観する、日和見する

So far, there has been no noticeable sign of last-minute purchases.

※駆け込み需要=last-minute demand/(経済)rush demand