

Japanese music mogul Johnny Kitagawa, who shaped Japan's boy band landscape for more than half a century, died of a stroke at a hospital in Tokyo, his office said. He was 87. He had been in hospital due to subarachnoid hemorrhage.

mogul =(略式)重要人物、権力者、大立者

landscape =景観、風景、地形、〔特定の活動の〕状況

ジャニーさんについては、J-pop giantboy band hit-makerboy band impresarioA kingpin of Japan's entertainment industryなどと紹介されていました。

impresario =〈イタリア語〉〔歌劇団などの〕興行主、主催者、団長

kingpin =(ボウリング)5番ピン、〈話〉中心人物


Born in Los Angeles in 1931, the Japanese-American spent most of his childhood shuttling between Japan and the United States. He eventually settled in Japan in the 1950s after serving with the U.S. Army teaching English to orphans during the Korean War.

50年以上にわたり、複数のboy bandを皆がその名前を知る存在にしてきました。

For more than 50 years the agency he founded, Johnny & Associates, turned multiple bands into household names, including SMAP, Arashi and KAT-TUN.

household name =どこの家庭でも通じる名前、誰でもよく知っている名前、おなじみの名前


"He discovered and trained many boys who were like 'diamonds in the rough."

a diamond in the rough  ①ダイヤモンドの原石、〈比喩〉〔ダイヤの原石のように〕磨けば光る人


Kitagawa propelled one pop group after another to fame.The heyday of the Kitagawa operation came in the 1980s and 1990s, when you could hardly switch on a television set without coming across one of "Johnny's" talents, singing, laughing or selling.

heyday =(若さや元気や繁栄の)真っ盛り、全盛期、絶頂

come across =遭遇する、偶然遭う


Kitagawa was the holder of three Guinness World Records titles for the most No. 1 artists, the most No. 1 singles and the most concerts produced by an individual.But his career was not without incident. He was the subject of numerous allegations of sexual misconduct.

近年のジャニーズの話題には、2016年のSMAP解散= disbanding of SMAP や、嵐の2020年以降の休業= go on indefinite hiatus 宣言があります。

disband =(部隊、集団、法人などを)解散させる

indefinite =無期限の

hiatus =隙間、割れ目、休憩時間


The agency was recently looking to hand the reins over to a younger generation with 37-year-old Hideaki Takizawa, a former member of J-pop idol duo Tackey & Tsubasa, named president of Johnnys' Island Inc., an affiliate company of Johnny & Associates, in January.

rein =手綱、支配、統制

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